GC3B quote
A free, open, and secure digital world

3.11. Back to the future: lessons for cyber capacity building


12.15 - 13.15


Adlon 1

Council of Europe

Cyber capacity building is a key enabler to enhance knowledge, competencies and skills of all actors across society in the digital age. This also calls for international and regional organisations working in this field to join forces and effectively exploit the synergies existing between different programs to avoid overlaps, streamline resources, and learn from each other to further professionalize the field. Drawing on experiences from different regions can help us identify successful stories and challenges to inform the future of the cyber capacity building and ensure effectiveness by design.

  • What are the lessons learned in cyber capacity buildingfrom design to implementation, and what drives the process of change?
  • How to scale-up the results of successful projects, so that they canleverage resources to deliver wider results in a sustainable manner?
