
Strategic partner

Affiliate partner



Benefactors are foundations, governments, IGO’s, businesses, development agencies, academia or philanthropic foundations supporting the objectives of the GC3B and help promote solutions to global, regional and local cyber capacity building challenges in their respective areas of expertise.

This first edition of the GC3B would not be possible without the dedicated and generous support of these benefactors through their financial contribution or in-kind services.

Audience and Participants

The GC3B will  bring together ministerial-level decision-makers, senior working-level representatives from government agencies, and experts from across the public sector, private sector, academia, and civil society. The conference will draw participants and experts from all sectors and regions to recognize the different contexts in which CCB takes place. The GC3B will promote participation from low- and middle-income countries and serve as a platform for them to shape sustainable, inclusive, and human-centric cyber capacity building initiatives and to incorporate cyber resilience in the broader development agenda in-line with their perspectives, needs, and capabilities.

Sponsor Possibilities

You can become a sponsor by being one of the four Premier Partners, one of the eight Affiliate Partner or one of our Partners.

Premier PartnerAffiliate PartnerPartner
Exclusive to48Unlimited
Access to VIP Lounge
Priority Access to Bilat Rooms
Thought Leadership
2-page Interview in GC3B Magazine
Company Profile on CCB in GC3B Magazine1 pageHalf Page
Premier PartnerAffiliate PartnerPartner
Logo on Badge
Logo on GC3B Gift
Recognition online as event sponsor with logo on event
website, social media channels, newsletters.
Recognition on-site as event sponsor with logo on main
event banner, balcony flags and 100-word profile in
conference program
For tailor-made sponsorship, like sponsoring lunch/dinner-events or benefact sponsored participants, etc, please contact sponsoring@gc3b.org

Any questions about sponsoring?

Please contact Wouter Veenstra at sponsoring@gc3b.org.

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