Special Session: Combatting Cybercrime with the Counter Ransomware Initiative
Ransomware remains a global scourge requiring international cooperation to disrupt. This is the goal of the International Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI): A group of now 48 countries alongside Interpol and the European Union who work together in disrupting cybercriminal networks, prosecuting ransomware actors and developing concrete policy commitments. The Chairs of the Diplomacy and Capacity […]
Regional session: Africa
GFCE Panel, 60 minutes The GFCE Hub for the Africa Region will discuss and focus on the proposed Africa Agenda CCB (AA-CCB) actions. The AA-CCB actions and priorities aim to enhance coordination and identification of effective policies, practices, and ideas for future CCB programs and initiatives in Africa. In addition, the meeting will highlight functions of the GFCE Africa Hub which […]
4.24 Blueprints for tomorrow: multi- stakeholder models for cyber resilience
European Commission Ambitions of rapid digital transformation against limited resources require leveraging the expertise and investments of all actors across the cyber ecosystem to keep it secure and trustworthy — from bolstering skills and awareness raising, to fortifying critical infrastructure. Insights from the EU’s work with partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, demonstrate how meaningful collaboration […]
1.3. Driving impact: making the case for better evaluation of cyber capacity building
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre / Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa Countries across the world invest significant sums in cyber capacity building. It is important to ensure that there is a good return on investment from these activities. While progress has been made in embedding evaluation methodologies into individual project delivery, current practice is […]
2.5. Closing the cybersecurity skills gap in developing countries: developing an action agenda
Microsoft / The World Bank / Rwanda All countries are experiencing a critical cybersecurity workforce and skills shortage, estimated at 3.4 million workers globally. This is particularly the case for developing countries. There are lessons to be learned from how governments and industry have attempted to close this gap and cultivate local cybersecurity talent. Addressing […]
3.10. Connection in progress: cyber resilience, development and international security
US Department of State / CyberPeace Institute There is no development without security and no security without development. This applies equally to cyber resilience and digital development. Although capacity building and international cooperation are recognized as a key pillar of the framework for responsible state behaviour, there is a risk that they receive little attention […]
1.1. Investing in cyber resilience
USAID / U.S. State Department / The World Bank / Government of Ghana The rapid expansion of digitalization and connectivity has fundamentally changed development cooperation and international partnerships. Development approaches increasingly rely on digital tools and solutions and developing countries continue to increase their connectivity and their requests for development funds to support their digital […]
Opening Ceremony
Watch the Opening Ceremony of the GC3B 2023!