With over 25 years of experience, Mr. Yedaly has achieved remarkable success in designing and implementing sustainable growth strategies in international settings. Formerly serving as the Minister of Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Modernization for the Government of Mauritania, Mr. Yedaly has played a crucial role in advancing cyber policy and technical projects across Africa. He also held the position of Head of Information Society at the African Union Commission, where he led the implementation of several key capacity building programs with partners like the European Union, the United States State Department, Luxemburg, the Internet Society (ISOC), Microsoft, and others. Notably, Mr. Yedaly was instrumental in crafting and adopting the African Union Convention on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection (Malabo Convention) and the African Union Digital Transformation Strategy (2020-2030). He is also known as the main actor behind the Dot Africa Domain. Throughout his career, Mr. Yedaly has been a strong advocate for Africa’s digital transformation, emphasizing the indispensable role of cybersecurity in its development.
In his new role as GC3B Special Envoy, Mr. Yedaly will lead outreach efforts to institutions in the fields of cyber and development, bringing together a variety of stakeholders including decision-makers, practitioners, and experts to catalyze global action and contributing to the GC3B’s mission of bridging cyber capacity building with the international development agenda.