Director for International Cooperation, Academic Relations and Communications, with a history of working at RedCLARA since 2006, a networking technology-related organisation dedicated to the interconnection of National Research and Education Networks of Latin America through an advanced network for scientific research and education. Business Planning, Environmental Awareness, International Relations, Management and NGOs are some of the most persistent points of interest throughout the personal and professional history. Previously administrative expert for GIZ (German Technical Cooperation) in Project Central American Customs Union, Budget Officer at the European Environment Agency, Finance Manager at Training Centre on Regional Integration (CEFIR, Uruguay).

Participation in coordination and collaboration meetings with international partner organisations, General Assemblies, Steering Committees and project review meetings, gathering all Partners, National Members and Donors. Finance and management professional (master’s degree from Solvay Brussels School, Belgium). Postgraduate Diploma in International Studies – International System and Integration (Universidad de la República, Uruguay).