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A free, open, and secure digital world

2.7. Sharing the success: lessons for developing effective cyber capacity partnerships


12.15 - 13.30


Chez George

International Telecommunication Union

A partnership approach to cyber capacity building can accelerate efforts to bridge the gaps worldwide: whether it is between the governments, private sector or different combination of actors.  However, establishing and curating effective partnerships requires a concerted effort of all stakeholders who share responsibility for addressing cybersecurity challenges worldwide. Good practices and lessons in implementation of cybersecurity projects through region-specific and context-sensitive models of collaboration play an important role in strengthening cyber-resilience in developing countries. Two-ways dialogue between the funders and partner countries is the key to developing a shared understanding of the challenges at hand and strengthening the common sense of purpose around cyber capacity building.

  • What are the key characteristics of cyber capacity partnerships that define their success?
  • Which are the key lessons and good practices for donors and partner countries?
