GC3B quote
A free, open, and secure digital world

Submit a proposal for the Open Call

All interested organizations should submit their proposals under one of the main pillars of the conference – rethink, evolve and anticipate. The experience, expertise, and lessons of developing countries lies at the core of this process as they shall define the discussions in line with their perspectives, contexts, and needs. Please note that session proposals promoting commercial products and services will be screened out.

The selection process will be a competitive one, in which all proposals are assessed based on the following criteria:

1. Relevance (50/100): Is the proposal timely and pertinent for the community and does it address an important issue, need or challenge for cyber resilient development? Does it fit with the thematic focus of the conference? Does it contribute towards the achievement of the specific commitments in the Accra Call?

2. Design (30/100): Does the proposal have a clear ambition and realistic approach towards its implementation (e.g., adequate speakers, objectives, etc.)? Does the proposal have a deliberate design that puts the participant’s experience at the center?

3. Diversity (20/100): Does the proposal include diverse voices that bring insights and perspectives from different operational and geographic contexts, stakeholders, and communities?

Read the full information here.

Submit a proposal

Fill in the form below. In case you have questions or need assistance, please email us at: contact@gc3b.org.

Please fill in all applicable fields. Note that the person submitting the application should provide their details. All answers must be provided in English.